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Israel rejects appeal to end solitary confinement of Raed Salah

The Central Israeli Court in Beersheba yesterday rejected an appeal to end the solitary confinement of Sheikh Raed Salah, chairman of the Islamic Movement in Israel, Quds Press reported.

Salah’s lawyer Omar Khamayseh said that the Israeli Public Prosecution and the Israeli Prison Service asked the court to leave Salah in solitary confinement until the end of his prison term.

“The Israeli prosecution claimed in response to our appeal that they have classified material about Sheikh Salah and the Islamic Movement that endanger the other prisoners,” Khamayseh wrote on Facebook.

Khamayseh said that the Israeli Public Prosecution and the Israeli Prison Service insisted on keeping him in solitary confinement until the end of his sentence, claiming that “he is a threat to other prisoners due to his influential personality”.

Scores of Salah’s supporters gathered and staged a protest opposite to Eshel Prison in solidarity with the Sheikh and in condemnation of the Israeli court ruling.

Sheikh Kamal Al-Khatib, deputy leader of the Islamic Movement, said: “The Israeli measures against Sheikh Raed Salah aim at punishing him due to his defence of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the other Islamic sites.”

The Israeli High Court sentenced Salah to nine months in prisons over “incitement” claims.

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