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Israel Police suppress Palestinian Flag March in East Jerusalem

2 years ago
Fanatic Jewish settlers gather around Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem for the

Fanatic Jewish settlers gather around Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem for the "Flag march" on May 29, 2022 in Jerusalem. [Mostafa Alkharouf - Anadolu Agency]

Israel Police yesterday suppressed a Palestinian Flag March planned on the Salah Al-Din Street, in the centre of occupied East Jerusalem, Anadolu news agency reported.

The agency quoted eyewitnesses as saying that the Israeli police held back hundreds of Palestinians who had organised a peaceful march with Palestinian flags near the Damascus Gate area.

Police fired rubber bullets, tear gas and sound bombs at participants in an attempt to disperse them, according to witnesses who said the participants had raised Palestinian flags and chanted pro-Palestine slogans.

On Sunday, thousands of ultra-nationalist Israelis marched through the Muslim Quarter of East Jerusalem’s Old City to mark the 55th anniversary of the occupation of East Jerusalem.

The settlers also stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque under security protection.

The Department of Islamic Endowments in Jerusalem said more than 1,685 settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque and performed Talmudic prayers.

READ: 3 Palestinians injured by Israeli fire in West Bank raid amid tension

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