The UN has a role in maintaining the permanent status of Palestinian refugees

The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) may well be operating with a permanent financial deficit. UNRWA’s Commissioner General Philippe Lazzarini warned again recently that after September, its 28,000 workers might not receive their salaries as the agency is facing a $100 million shortage for this year. “We are expected to provide government-like services to one of the most destitute communities in the region, but we are funded like an NGO because we depend completely on voluntary contributions,” explained Lazzarini after the donor conference last week where pledges of $160 million were made. Nevertheless, it will still be operating with a deficit. Israel, meanwhile, is still lobbying relentlessly against donor countries funding UNRWA. … Continue reading The UN has a role in maintaining the permanent status of Palestinian refugees