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Lieberman slams UN over call for urgent aid access for Gaza

8 months ago
Israel's former finance minister Avigdor Lieberman speaks during a meeting at the parliament, Knesset, in Jerusalem on March 20, 2023 [GIL COHEN/MAGEN/AFP]

Israel's former finance minister Avigdor Lieberman speaks during a meeting at the parliament, Knesset, in Jerusalem on March 20, 2023 [GIL COHEN/MAGEN/AFP]

Leader of the Yisrael Beiteinu Party, Avigdor Lieberman, slammed the United Nations for calling to immediately allow the entry of urgent humanitarian aid into Gaza, including fuel, food and water, describing the pressures on Israel to allow aid into the besieged enclave as “first degree hypocrisy”.

“There is no doubt that the situation is not good, but it’s far from a humanitarian crisis. 2. Any humanitarian aid brought into Gaza, under the UN umbrella, will go to the monsters of Hamas and not to the population,” he claimed in a post on X platform.

The UN is wrong and is misleading. The UN call to bring humanitarian aid into Gaza, including fuel, food and water, and the pressure on Israel is pure hypocrisy. Here are the facts:1.I held several conversations this morning with people that are familiar with what is currently…

— אביגדור ליברמן (@AvigdorLiberman) October 17, 2023


Lieberman suggested the only solution to the humanitarian problem in Gaza lies in the establishment of a mega city for Gazan refugees in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula similar to the one built by Turkiye for Syrian refugees who escaped the civil war in Syria.

“The State of Israel must make clear to the international community that the only humanitarian solution, if necessary, is outside the borders of Gaza. It is possible to establish a refugee city in Sinai. This is the appropriate time to put pressure on Egypt, by the international community and by us as well,” he added.

READ: Independent probe into war crimes must be carried out in Gaza: IJU

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