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Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood slams mass death sentences

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has harshly criticised the mass death sentences issued yesterday against hundreds of its supporters saying the heinous sentences reveal Egypt is ruled by a fascist military regime.

An Egyptian court in Minya yesterday sentenced 683 Muslim Brotherhood supporters to death and upheld the ruling against 37 more.

The group issued a statement saying: “Day after day the fascist military regime reveals its ugly face and its approach to commit genocide against innocent people by killing them in the streets, squares and universities and then by arresting, torturing and killing them inside prisons to conclude with bringing them before unjust judges who lack even the lowest standards of justice and represent a humiliation to the Egyptian judiciary.”

The statement accused the army of using “the state’s institutions including the military, the police and the judiciary to prosecute and kill the Egyptian people. The people’s message has not been understood by coup leaders. Their tools during the past 10 months have been sacrifice, patience, fortitude and determination to refuse the military coup.”

The statement concluded by calling on the Egyptian people, the free world, international organisations and the United Nations organisations concerned with human rights to support the Egyptian people during their time of need.

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