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Israel's suppression of protests continues as 24 youth from Kafr Kanna are arrested

10 years ago

In line with the escalating statements by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a number of ministers who have incited against the Arab community inside Israel and supported the police officers who shot and killed the young Palestinian man Khair Hamdan, the Israeli police continued on Sunday afternoon repressing protests taking place in the village of Kafr Kanna, Arabs48 news website reported on Sunday.

Police have now reportedly arrested 24 youths from Kafr Kanna, many of them minors, during clashes in the village between dozens of youth and the Israeli police, which mobilised its troops on the outskirts of the Arab towns and villages on Sunday afternoon where a mass strike is now taking place in protest against the murder of Hamdan, aged 22.

According to Arabs48, those arrested were subjected to an investigation and brought to the court to extend their detention on suspicion of disturbing the public order.

Kafr Kanna has witnessed, since Saturday evening, confrontations between demonstrators and police forces at the northern entrance of the village amidst the intense presence of police forces and special units, mobilised in response to the on-going protests staged by thousands of residents against the murder of Hamdan, who was from the village.

According to police, dozens of young people closed the southern entrance of Kafr Kanna, set fire to tires and threw stones and empty bottles at the main road leading to the village, while police prepared to suppress the confrontations and prevent their progress, shutting down the main road No. 754 until the stones are removed

The police geared up in large numbers and reinforced troops and cavalry units, as well as vehicles equipped with water hoses, in anticipation of the outbreak of the clashes, while worrying about the widening confrontations in the north and the triangle.

Israeli police conducted an assessment to evaluate the situation in the wake of the protests over the killing of Hamdan and decided to strengthen what they called a “state of preparedness” in all regions of the country, with a focus on the north. Inspector General of Police Yohanan Danino threatened to deal harshly with the protesters while Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Ahernovic affirmed his support of the efforts of police officers.

Citing a statement issued by the police, Arabs48 reported that Danino condemned what he called “the attack on police personnel”, adding, “I say here, in no uncertain terms, the leadership of the police, under my leadership, gives full support to the fighters, police officers and volunteers in the Israeli police who are working hard day and night with dedication and determination in order to ensure the safety and security of all Israeli citizens.”

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