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Yemen's Houthi leader warns Saudi Arabia not to interfere in domestic affairs

A member of Yemen’s Shia Houthi rebels, Mohsen Ali Al-Sharsi, has denounced Saudi involvement in his country, saying that “any Saudi assault on the Yemeni people and Yemen will be met with a Yemeni response that destabilises Saudi Arabia and [results in the] end of the Al-Saud regime in the Arabian Peninsula.”

In a statement to Fars news agency, Sharsi said that “everyone knows how the unjust regime in Saudi Arabia threatens regional security and publicly supports terrorism in the Middle East countries, including Yemen’s security by intervening in the country using the Peninsula Shield forces”..

“The United States and Saudi Arabia have set up a programme in Yemen which supports terrorism and seeks to divide the country. A programme financed by Saudi Arabia which arms jihadists in the south who attack Yemeni people and the Ansar Allah movement supporters,” Sharsi added.

The member of the Houthi movement’s political arm commented on remarks statement previously made by Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal, saying they revealed the Kingdom’s true colour as servant of Israel and the United States in the Middle East.

“Israel supports Saudi Arabia and terrorism in Yemen, and while Saudi Arabia is the West’s oil reserve, Israel remains the dagger planted in the heart of the Arab nation,” he added.

Earlier, a member of the movement’s political council, Mohammed Bukhaiti, warned that any intervention by Saudi Arabia in Yemen will be met with a reaction that “ends the Al-Saud regime in the Arabian Peninsula.”

Thousands of Houthi fighters carried out military exercises in the northern part of the country, near the border with Saudi Arabia, earlier this month.

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