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Israel reveals advanced Russian missiles deployed in Syria

7 years ago
Russian supplied rockets in Syria according to Israeli satellite [alkhaleejonline]

Russian supplied rockets in Syria according to an Israeli satellite [alkhaleejonline]

An Israeli spy satellite has revealed advanced Russian missiles deployed in an airbase in western Syria, Israeli media reports said yesterday.

Israeli TV Channel 2 and the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper reported that Israel’s EROS B satellite captured high resolution images of the missile launchers located in the Syrian military’s Latakia airbase.

Israeli media indicated that the missiles were short-range surface-to-surface rockets known as 9K720 Iskander that are capable of carrying a range of warheads, including nuclear warheads. The reports also noted that its range is between 400-500 kilometres.

This Russian missile systems, which several Western intelligence agencies had suspected of being deployed to Syria, was well-hidden, but the Russians were forced to relocate them and risked exposure when heavy rain caused floods in Syria. This enabled the Israeli spy satellite to spot them.

Israeli news website The Times of Israel said that the missile system, which according to German and Russian media reports were deployed in Syria in December 2013, is controlled by Russian forces operating in Syria, and has not been handed over to forces loyal to Syrian dictator President Bashar Al-Assad.

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