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Thousands of Gazans watch Egypt qualify for World Cup

7 years ago

Gazans celebrate with flags as they watch Egypt qualify for the World Cup [Mohammed Asad/Middle East Monitor]

Hundreds of Palestinian teenagers, children, and women gathered to watch the recent football match between Egypt and Congo in which Egypt qualified for the 2018 World Cup, to be held in Russia.

Tens of thousands of Gazans also watched the match on television in their homes and at cafes.

Large screens were placed in public squares, including the Unknown Soldier’s Square, and the crowds eagerly watched as the Egyptian national team qualified.

Read more: Egyptian court sentences 14 for football stadium stampede

Palestinians are interested in the matches played by the Egyptian national team because of the close ties between Gaza and Egypt.

Palestinians say that the two nation’s sorrow and happiness are one and shared, as they are neighbours, especially given Egypt’s recent role in uniting the Palestinians and achieving reconciliation to end Palestinian division.

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