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Man dismantles car to save trapped kitten in Turkey

6 years ago
A Turkish man rushed to the mechanics to save a kitten that had become trapped in his car’s engine [Hurriyet Daily News]

A Turkish man rushed to the mechanics to save a kitten that had become trapped in his car’s engine [Hurriyet Daily News]

A Turkish man in the southern province of Antalya rushed to a mechanics yesterday to save a kitten that had become trapped in his car’s engine.

Rifat Cetin was driving on Antalya’s 100 Yil Avenue when he was alerted to a cat’s meow seeming to come from inside his car. Cetin turned off his radio and realised that the sound of a cat could be heard whenever he started the engine.

He quickly drove to a car repair shop where mechanics started to dismantle the car in an effort to find the cat. After an hour’s worth of work, which saw the front section of the car fully removed under the bonnet, a small kitten was finally freed from under the radiator.

“They opened every part of my car. It was worth it because they saved a life,” Cetin told reporters, adding that one of his co-workers would be adopting the cat.

Read: Wild cats of Istanbul

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