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Palestine woman jailed for helping Gazans on hunger strike in PA prison

6 years ago
A poster supporting Suha Jubara, a Palestinian woman who would give financial aid to those in the Gaza Strip

A poster supporting Suha Jbara, a Palestinian woman who would give financial aid to those in the Gaza Strip

A Palestinian mother has been on hunger strike for one week in Palestinian Authority jails, Al-Wattan TV reported.

Thirty-year-old Suha Jbara from the occupied West Bank began her strike in protest against the amendment to her detention by a Jericho court last Thursday.

The mother of three suffered physical assault at the hands of Palestinian security forces during her detention, her family said.

READ: PA political detention is ‘free service for Israeli occupation’

Jbara’s lawyer said her arrest was part of the “exchange of political arrests between the two sides of Palestine”. She was arrested earlier this month accusing her of sending funds to help impoverished families living in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Her legal team has requested a court allow for her release on bail until the trial comes to an end as a result of her ill health. The court rejected the request.

Lives of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails – Cartoon [Alarabya]

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