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Israel court sentences Palestinian to 18 years, $142,000 fine

5 years ago
Israeli court in Jerusalem on 31 March 2019 [Faiz Abu Rmeleh/Anadolu Agency]

Israeli court in Jerusalem on 31 March 2019 [Faiz Abu Rmeleh/Anadolu Agency]

Israeli military court in Ofer Prison sentenced Palestinian prisoner Raed Badwan to 18 years in prison and a 500,000 shekel ($142,760) fine, the PLO’s Prisoners and Freed Prisoners’ Committee said yesterday.

Badwan, 57 and from Badow Village in Jerusalem, has been in prison since 6 August 2015 and has attended 56 hearings.

He suffers from several medical conditions in addition to the wounds he suffered when he was shot with 12 live bullets during his detention.

The committee said that Badwan was arrested over claims he carried out a ramming attack on Route 60 near the village of Sanjal, north of the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah.

He was shot from a very close distance and then taken to ICU at an Israeli hospital where surgeons could only take out six bullets.

One of the bullets remained lodged in his neck and another in his head. He was then moved to prison.

Administrative Torture: Free Heba al-Labadi, a Jordanian Citizen in Israeli Prison 

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