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The Palestine Question in Europe

The Palestine Question in Europe - MEMO Conference

The Palestine Question in Europe - MEMO Conference

Watch the live stream of the conference below

As the European Court of Justice (ECJ) rules that European Union countries must identify products made in Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory, MEMO and EuroPal Forum are hosting a conference to discuss the EU’s position on major issues related to the occupation; settlements, refugees, borders and Jerusalem.

Earlier this week the US declared settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem can no longer be seen as being “inconsistent” with international law, a move that has led Luxembourg to urge the EU to recognise a Palestinian state, claiming such a move “would be neither a favour nor a carte blanche but rather a mere recognition of the right of the Palestinian people to its own state”.

But what action – if any – will the EU take? And where does it stand in relation to the Palestine-Israel question? Join us as our panels of experts discuss the latest news affecting the conflict as well as the rise of right-wing politics and its implications for the Israel-Palestine issue; the impact of Brexit on Palestinian advocacy; the debate around criticising Israel and assessing the impact of silencing discussion on Palestine.

The panel of experts will also provide an assessment of pro-Israel lobby groups in Europe and contrast that with advocacy campaigns for Palestinian human rights. They will assess the strengths and weaknesses of Palestinian groups and suggest ideas on improving their effectiveness.

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