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Tunisia authorities thwarted six irregular migration operations, rescued 92 people

2 years ago
Irregular migrants in Zarzis, Tunisia on February 14, 2022 [Tassnim Nasri/Anadolu Agency]

Irregular migrants in Zarzis, Tunisia on February 14, 2022 [Tassnim Nasri/Anadolu Agency]

The General Administration of the Tunisian National Guard has thwarted six irregular migration operations in the centre, south and north of the country, and rescued 92 people, including 15 African citizens, Anadolu news agency reported.

This came in a statement issued by the spokesman for the General Administration of the National Guard, Husam Al-Din Al-Jabali, which he posted on his official Facebook page.

β€œIn the context of addressing the phenomenon of irregular migration, during the night between Saturday and Sunday, units of the maritime regions of the National Guard in the north, centre and south have thwarted six [attempts to illegally] cross the maritime borders and rescued 92 people,” Al-Jabali said.

He added that the rescued persons included 15 people of different African nationalities and the rest are Tunisians.

According to the Tunisian official, with the consultation of the Public Prosecution, he had authorised the necessary measures to be taken in their regard.

According to official data, in 2021, the Tunisian Ministry of Interior arrested 20,616 irregular migrants, including 10,371 foreigners, most of them from sub-Saharan Africa.

READ: 1 dead after 3 migrant boats sink off Tunisia

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