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Hamas denies supporting Turkiye-Israel normalisation 

2 years ago
Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas in Gaza on April 30, 2022 [Ali Jadallah/Anadolu Agency]

Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas in Gaza on April 30, 2022 [Ali Jadallah/Anadolu Agency]

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas on Friday denied false statements claiming it had supported Turkish normalisation with Israel.

“Hamas disowns the fabricated statement that was circulated by some media outlets alleging the movement’s backing of the exchange of ambassadors between Turkiye and the Israeli occupation,” a statement announced.

The statement continued: “As we stress that this statement is completely fabricated, we reaffirm our unwavering rejection of all forms of normalisation with the Israeli occupation, including the exchange of ambassadors.”

It continued: “We call on media outlets to seek accuracy and truth and use the movement’s official website as a source for original statements.”

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