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West Bank: illegal settlers turn music volume up to disrupt Palestinian lessons

1 year ago
A group of the settlers play music outside the rogue settlement of Havat Gilad, near Nablus, in the West Bank 16 October 2002 [GALI TIBBON/AFP via Getty Images]

A group of the settlers play music outside the rogue settlement of the West Bank [GALI TIBBON/AFP via Getty Images]

Illegal Israeli settlers have been playing music at full volume for the past three days next to a Palestinian school in the northern occupied West Bank district of Qalqilya in order to disturb lessons. The settlers come from the nearby illegal settlement of Sha’arei Tikva, where around 4,000 of them live.

The Jewish settlers have been playing Hebrew songs as soon as classes start at Azzun Beit Amin School. The head teacher of the high school, Ala Marabeh, told Wafa that this makes it very difficult for the teachers and students to concentrate. He added that this comes at a critical time as the senior students at the high school are preparing for the matriculation exam that will determine if they can continue to higher education.

The school is often the target of Israeli settler harassment and has faced numerous incidents of armed settlers entering the premises and threatening students. Moreover, the Jewish settlers frequently dump their sewage on the school playground, which the head teacher says creates a health hazard for students and the community at large.

Israel has occupied the West Bank since 1967. Human rights abuses against the Palestinians and breaches of international law are daily occurrences. More than 700,000 Jews live in settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. All of Israel’s settlements are illegal under international law, which the apartheid state treats with open contempt.

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