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Khamenei’s former aide gunned down in northern Iran

1 year ago
Thumbnail - Khamenei’s former aide gunned down in northern Iran

Thumbnail - Khamenei’s former aide gunned down in northern Iran

A senior cleric and former representative of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan province was killed in an armed attack yesterday, local officials and police said.

Ayatollah Abbas Ali Soleimani was shot dead by an unidentified assailant at a bank in the northern city of Babolsar in Mazandaran province.

At least three others were injured in the incident, according to the provincial governor’s office.

Soleimani was a representative of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in the Sistan-Baluchestan province as well as a member of the Assembly of Experts, a powerful body tasked with appointing the supreme leader.

Local media cited the governor’s office in Mazandaran province as saying that Soleimani was attacked by an armed man.

The assailant, according to the governor’s office, was immediately arrested. His identity or the motive of the attack has not been disclosed yet.

Speaking to state TV, Governor Syed Mohammad Hosseinipur said the incident took place at around 10:30am local time (GMT), adding that the attacker’s motive was not clear yet.

He said the attacker was a private security guard at a bank.

In a tweet, Nour News, affiliated with Iran’s top security body, said the “dimensions of his assassination are being investigated by relevant agencies and additional news will be announced later.”

Top political officials have not yet commented on the incident.

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