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First attempt to launch a rocket at Israel settlement from the West Bank

1 year ago
Screenshot from a video allegedly showing the first rocket launched towards an illegal Israeli settlement near the occupied West Bank city of Jenin in May 2023 [Thaar Al-Ahrar/Facebook]

Screenshot from a video allegedly showing the first rocket launched towards an illegal Israeli settlement near the occupied West Bank city of Jenin in May 2023 [Thaar Al-Ahrar/Facebook]

Official Israeli news outlets yesterday announced that a rocket was launched from the occupied West Bank towards an illegal Israeli settlement, and it exploded in the air.

This is the first time that an attempt to launch rockets has been made from the occupied West Bank towards illegal Israeli settlements.

Kan news channel said Israeli occupation forces found a “mock” rocket launcher in the village of Nazlet Zeid, close to the Shaked settlement.

A senior military source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told local media that there was a small amount of explosive material in the launcher, enough only to move the rocket a few metres.

He added that the rocket exploded only three metres away from where it was launched.

“We’re talking about a metal pipe with a cardboard head. There was no threat to the population at any stage,” he noted.

Israeli army Arab media spokesman, Avichay Adraee, said on Twitter, “A military force that was involved in military activity near Tukaram found a mock missile launcher, which was handed over to security forces.”

No Palestinian faction has claimed responsibility for the rocket.

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