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Israel doctors go on strike in protest of judicial overhaul bill

11 months ago
People, oppose the judicial overhaul plan of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition, stage a protest in front of Knesset (parliament) in Jerusalem on July 23, 2023. [Mostafa Alkharouf - Anadolu Agency]

People, oppose the judicial overhaul plan of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition, stage a protest in front of Knesset (parliament) in Jerusalem on July 23, 2023. [Mostafa Alkharouf - Anadolu Agency]

Israeli doctors launched a 24-hour strike today in a furore over the hard-right government’s ratification of the first part of a judicial overhaul bill that critics fear endangers the independence of the courts and brings into question Israel’s democracy, Reuters reported.

The ‘reasonableness law’ limits the Supreme Court’s power to overturn government decisions and appointments of ministers it deems ‘unreasonable’. The bill passed its second and third readings yesterday by a majority of 64 out of the 120 Knesset members, despite widespread local opposition and 29 weeks of protests.

Some accuse long-serving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of pushing Israel towards autocracy.

The Israel Medical Association ordered doctors to strike for 24 hours around the country, though not in Jerusalem.

It cited the removal of the Supreme Court’s ability to overrule, on the basis of “unreasonableness” and the potential government involvement in decisions made by Health Ministry staff.

Association Chairman Zion Hagay said the strike was needed to discourage emigration by doctors angered by the legislation. “We are holding back doctors who want to quit and move abroad,” public broadcaster Kan quoted him saying.

READ: 4 Israel universities announce strike, join protests over judicial overhaul

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