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Israel: health ministry concerned about doctors leaving country

11 months ago
Israel Ministry’s Director-General, Moshe Bar Siman-Tov [Moshe Bar Siman Tov/linkedin]

Israel Ministry’s Director-General, Moshe Bar Siman-Tov [Moshe Bar Siman Tov/linkedin]

The ministry of health in Israel has expressed concern that more doctors appear to be planning to emigrate and work abroad, the Times of Israel reported on Wednesday. In an emergency meeting with doctors last week, the ministry’s Director-General, Moshe Bar Siman-Tov, urged them to not “give up” on Israel’s public health system.

“I know that there are many of us walking around today with very difficult feelings, and it’s understandable. Instinctive responses to the issue are also understandable. Having said that, everyone also knows that we don’t have another country or health system,” Siman-Tov told doctors.

“I really think that nobody among us has the privilege to give up, not on the country and not on the system. We are the foundation of societal solidarity in Israel and show that it’s possible to live, work and receive care together.”

Following the passing of the law to limit the Supreme Court’s oversight of the government last week, a WhatsApp group for doctors seeking advice on relocating overseas was set up. It has attracted the attention of at least 3,000 physicians.

READ: 1,000 doctors want to leave Israel due to judicial overhaul

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