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Germany dodges question about legality of Israel siege of Gaza

8 months ago
Germany's first deputy government spokeswoman, Christiane Hoffmann [@StvSprecherin/Twitter]

Germany's first deputy government spokeswoman, Christiane Hoffmann [@StvSprecherin/Twitter]

The German government dodged a question, Wednesday, about whether Israel’s total blockade of Gaza was in line with international humanitarian law, Anadolu Agency reports.

Deputy government spokeswoman, Christian Hoffmann, was asked repeatedly at a news conference in Berlin if Israel’s military clampdown on Gaza was compatible with international law, to which she replied and said what is “crucial now is to send the main message of solidarity” to Israel.

The crucial thing is that Israel has the right to defend itself against this attack

Hoffmann said, while adding that she did not want to comment on Israel’s “individual measures”.

Her comments come in the wake of comments by the UN and the EU which said Israel’s all-out siege of Gaza was not compatible with international law.

EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said Tuesday that Israel’s siege of Gaza was illegal.

Israel has a right to self-defence, but it has to be done within international law … cutting water, cutting electricity, cutting food to a mass of civilian people is against international law

he said.

“The Palestinian people are also suffering,” he added.

His words were echoed by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, who said international humanitarian law and international human rights law must be respected in all circumstances.

“The imposition of sieges that endanger the lives of civilians by depriving them of goods essential for their survival is prohibited under international humanitarian law,” he said.

Israeli authorities ordered a “full siege” of Gaza on Monday, shutting off electricity, water, food and fuel supplies. The move risks seriously compounding the already dire human rights and humanitarian situation in Gaza, including the capacity of medical facilities to operate, especially in light of mounting numbers of those injured in attacks by Israel.

READ: EXPLAINER – What is a humanitarian corridor?

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