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Meshaal: US leading war against Gaza to destroy Hamas

8 months ago
Palestinian political leader of the Hamas movement, Khaled Meshaal, speaks during a ceremony to mark

Palestinian political leader of the Hamas movement, Khaled Meshaal, speaks during a ceremony to mark "Nakba", the annual commemoration of what Palestinians term the catastrophe in Doha, Qatar, May 20, 2014. [Stringer/Apaimages]

The head of Hamas’s diaspora office, Khaled Meshaal, said yesterday that the United States is the one leading the way against Hamas in the besieged Gaza Strip, with the aim of crushing and dismantling the movement, Anadolu news agency reported.

This came in a video recording delivered remotely to the “Gaza Forum” event, organised by nearly 60 Arab organisations and institutions in Turkiye.

In his message, Meshaal said the movement had to respond to Israel’s desecration and division of Al-Aqsa Mosque, allowing extremist settlers to practise Jewish rituals in the mosque and the imminent danger of demolishing it and building a temple in its place.

“The resistance leaders were aware of the consequences, but religion and Al-Aqsa drowned our enemy in astonishment and shook it, and the resistance took a great step on the path to liberation and restoring the sanctities,” he added.

Meshaal explained that Israel’s revenge policy, including destroying schools, mosques, hospitals and demolishing homes in Gaza could have only been implemented after receiving a green light from America and the Western countries to completely destroy Gaza.

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“It is a well known policy of scorched earth and mass destruction, and the plan is to crush the resistance, Hamas, and Gaza with international support,” he added.

“If they succeed, they will impose their absolute hegemony in the region,” he warned.

Meshaal said it is incumbent upon the nation to support the Palestinian struggle against the Israeli occupation, provide relief and aid to Gaza as well as weapons for the resistance and join protests across the globe in solidarity with Gaza, Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem as well as confronting the Israeli disinformation campaign on media platforms and leading a political movement in support of Gaza and the Palestinians.

Over 4,700 Palestinians, a majority of them children and women, have been killed in Israel’s ongoing bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip, with the numbers rising by the hour.

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