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Anadolu captures images of Orthodox Cultural Centre destroyed by Israel in Gaza

8 months ago
A view from debris of Orthodox Cultural Center at Tel Al Hawa neighborhood after it was hit by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City, Gaza on October 31, 2023. [Ali Jadallah - Anadolu Agency]

A view from debris of Orthodox Cultural Center at Tel Al Hawa neighborhood after it was hit by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City, Gaza on October 31, 2023. [Ali Jadallah - Anadolu Agency]

Anadolu, on Tuesday, captured the images of the Orthodox Cultural Centre in Gaza, which was destroyed by the Israeli bombardment in the south of the blockaded enclave, Anadolu Agency reports.

Abdulmunim Al-Abesi, one of the displaced Palestinians who took shelter in the Centre in the Tel Al-Hawa neighbourhood, told Anadolu that some 500 people took shelter there.

We took shelter in this Centre after Israel bombed the area. There were only displaced refugees in the building

he said.

As Israeli Forces warned them to evacuate the building, he said they moved to the surrounding schools.

He added that their

belongings, including blankets, food supplies and gas cylinders, were buried in the wreckage of the Centre, which was completely destroyed

The Orthodox Cultural Centre was completely destroyed in Israel’s attack on the Tel Al-Hawa region.

The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, on Tuesday, strongly condemned the Israeli army’s bombing of the Centre.

The Israeli army has expanded its air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip, which has been under relentless airstrikes since the surprise offensive by the Palestinian group, Hamas, on 7 October.

More than 10,000 people have been killed in the conflict, including 8,525 Palestinians and more than 1,538 Israelis.

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, rejected growing calls for a cease-fire, saying it would be a “surrender” to Hamas.

An Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip has also cut fuel, electricity and water supplies to Gaza, and reduced aid deliveries are unable to satisfy the needs of the more than 2 million residents.

READ: Israel has killed 133 babies under a year old since 7 October

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