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Israel removes 2 soldiers from Gaza for stealing Kalashnikov

6 months ago

Israeli soldiers, tanks, howitzers and armored vehicles are seen as Israeli military mobility continues on the Gaza border, in Nahal Oz, Israel on December 13, 2023. [Mostafa Alkharouf - Anadolu Agency]

Israeli occupation soldiers have been removed from the Gaza battleground after being suspected of stealing a Kalashnikov rifle from a stockpile of weapons seized in Khan Yunis. Ynet has reported.

A soldier from the Givati Brigade was arrested in recent days, the news site reported, while another soldier suspected of involvement in the thief was detained for questioning.

The two were taken to Israel from the combat zones in the southern Gaza Strip during the investigation and now the Ministry of Defence is looking into  their motives.

The incident was discovered after an inventory was carried out by officers in charge of items discovered by the enemy in the Gaza Strip. The weapon was later found in the personal bag of one of the soldiers and they were reported. Israel removes 2 soldiers from Gaza for stealing Kalashnikov

READ: UN’s Griffith: There is a need to establish a special tribunal for Gaza

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