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Occupation army has killed 3,847 Palestinians since ICJ ruling

3 months ago
Relatives of those killed in Israeli attacks mourn as Palestinians, who lost their lives including children, being taken to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital morgue while the number of people who lost their lives is increasing due to Israeli army's continuous and intense bombardment of the Gaza Strip in Deir al-Balah, Gaza on February 23, 2024. [Ashraf Amra - Anadolu Agency]

Relatives of those killed in Israeli attacks mourn as Palestinians, who lost their lives including children, being taken to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital morgue while the number of people who lost their lives is increasing due to Israeli army's continuous and intense bombardment of the Gaza Strip in Deir al-Balah, Gaza on February 23, 2024. [Ashraf Amra - Anadolu Agency]

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, an independent organisation based in Geneva, confirmed on Friday that it had observed six main indicators that Israel is continuing the crime of genocide in the Gaza Strip within four weeks of the ruling issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which required it to take measures to prevent this.

The organisation added in a press statement that these indicators include the continuation of mass killings of civilians in the Gaza Strip, intentionally inflicting severe physical and psychological harm on the residents of the Strip and deliberately subjecting residents to miserable living conditions with the aim of actual destruction, including the destruction of homes, facilities and infrastructure.

It added that the indicators also include starvation, blocking the entry of humanitarian aid, imposing measures aimed at preventing childbirth within Palestinian families and official and public incitement by Israeli officials to escalate its genocide.

The organisation announced that it documented: “The killing of more than 3,847 Palestinians by the Israeli army, including 1,306 children and 807 women, in addition to the injury of about 5,119 since the ICJ issued its ruling.”

It noted: “The toll of Palestinian victims since 7 October rose to 38,067, including 14,350 children and 8,620 women. This also includes more than 8,000 martyrs under the rubble and in the streets who medical teams were unable to recover, hundreds of which were killed after the ICJ ruling.”

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor stated: “Israel continues to violate international law with its authoritative rules by committing the crime of genocide as part of it committing grave violations, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, which exist as independent crimes in their own right, against the Palestinians across the Gaza Strip.”

Watch: Kuwait envoy breaks down relaying Palestinian suffering at ICJ

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