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38 per cent of Americans believe US doing too much to support Israel

1 month ago

Students at New York University (NYU) continue their demonstration on campus in solidarity with the students at Columbia University and to oppose Israel's attacks on Gaza, in New York, United States on April 22, 2024 [Fatih Aktaş/Anadolu Agency]

Nearly four in 10 Americans said the US is doing too much to support Israel in the onslaught in the Gaza Strip, Anadolu news agency reported.

America’s protection of Israel: Is Netanyahu an honorary US president? – Cartoon [Sabaaneh/MiddleEastMonitor]

An April 25 – 30 survey of 2,260 adults by US News Ipsos revealed that Americans are divided on the US’ Israel policies.

The survey revealed that 38 per cent said the US was doing too much to support Israel, 20 per cent saw too little US support for Israel and 40 per cent said Washington’s backing is about right.

It showed that 37 per cent trust former President Donald Trump more than President Joe Biden to handle the issue; 29 per cent trust Biden more, an eight-point gap.

While 33 per cent of respondents said they did not trust either, 1 per cent did not express an opinion.

The survey was conducted with English and Spanish-speaking adults who were randomly selected from the internet at the national level.

READ: ‘82 per cent of the American public supports Israel, We will continue the campaign until complete victory’

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