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EU says establishing ceasefire urgent in Gaza amid 'full-blown famine' in north

1 month ago
Palestinians holding empty bowls receive food distributed by volunteers of charities as people facing hunger crisis and famine risk due to the Israeli embargo imposed on the territory, in Rafah, Gaza on February 18, 2024. [Abed Rahim Khatib - Anadolu Agency]

Palestinians holding empty bowls receive food distributed by volunteers of charities as people facing hunger crisis and famine risk due to the Israeli embargo imposed on the territory, in Rafah, Gaza on February 18, 2024 [Abed Rahim Khatib/Anadolu Agency]

The EU foreign policy chief on Monday underlined the need for an urgent ceasefire in Gaza as there is “full-blown famine” in the north of Gaza, Anadolu news agency reported.

“The much feared scenario has come true: according to World Food Program chief Cindy McCain, there’s full-blown famine in the north of Gaza, moving to the south,” Josep Borrell said on X.

“The so far unheard demands by the international community must be listened to: UNSCR 2728 must be implemented fully and immediately,” Borrel urged. “A ceasefire is urgent, to get to the liberation of the hostages and bring relief to those starving.”

He also condemned Hamas and Islamic Jihad’s barrage of rockets fired towards Kerem Shalom area.

“Israel still has an overall obligation to grant full, safe, rapid and unhindered access to humanitarian aid at scale for those in need,” he said, commending the “irreplaceable work” done by UNRWA and other UN agencies.

Israel has waged a deadly military offensive on Gaza since the 7 October Hamas incursion, which killed around 1,200 people.

However, since then, it has been revealed by Haaretz that helicopters and tanks of the Israeli army had, in fact, killed many of the 1,139 soldiers and civilians claimed by Israel to have been killed by the Palestinian Resistance.

Israel also stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice. An interim ruling in January said it is “plausible” that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and ordered Tel Aviv to stop such acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians there.

The Israeli military has asked people to evacuate from eastern Rafah, ahead of an expected offensive in the southern Gaza city where more than 1.4 million people are sheltering.

READ: Gaza in state of ‘man-made famine’ by Israel: EU foreign policy chief

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