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Israel arrests 16 Palestinians in West Bank raids

5 years ago
Israeli forces raid several districts of central Ramallah on 27 January 2019. [Issam Rimawi - Anadolu Agency]

Israeli forces raid several districts of central Ramallah on 27 January 2019. [Issam Rimawi - Anadolu Agency]

Israeli forces detained 16 Palestinians in overnight raids carried out across the Israeli-occupied West Bank, according to the military on Thursday, Anadolu reports.

A military statement said the individuals were arrested for “suspected involvement in popular terror activities”, without elaborating about the nature of these alleged activities.

The Israeli army carries out frequent arrest campaigns across the West Bank — including occupied East Jerusalem — on the pretext of searching for “wanted” Palestinians.

According to Palestinian figures, roughly 5,700 Palestinians — including numerous women and children — are currently languishing in Israeli detention facilities.

Poll: Most Israelis oppose ceasefire with Palestinian factions in Gaza 

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