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Israel journalist apologises for calling Arabs ‘savages’

Israeli television presenter Yaron London

Israeli television presenter Yaron London [Hanay/Wikipedia]

Israeli television presenter Yaron London yesterday apologised for calling Arabs “savages”.

“Many people, particularly our Arab viewers, were hurt by what I said,” London said in a press release yesterday. “During the night, I heard a recording of the program and found that I had tripped up in my language. My choice of language was improper and they have reason to be offended. I apologize for that.”

In a discussion on the new TV drma “Our Boys” London had said: “The Arabs are savages… They hate not only Jews. Above all, they’re murdering one another. Right, left, forward, to the east, to the west, Arabs are slaughtering Arabs.”

READ: Israel assaults Bedouin lifeguard, screaming ‘I hate Arabs’

The Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation demanded an apology.

In his explanation London said: “Of course, in saying ‘the Arabs,’ I didn’t mean the individual Arab, but rather the leadership of Arab societies in neighboring countries.”

London said he saw no reason to retract his statement since it relates to the leadership but acknowledged that it could also be interpreted as a sweeping generalization toward Arabs. “I deeply apologise for that and make it clear: God forbid that I should think that the Arabs are savages,” he said.

READ: The Arabs are paying the price for peace with Israel

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