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US military preparing options ahead of possible Sudan evacuation

1 year ago
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin holds a press conference in Pentagon Arlington-Virginia, United States [Celal Güneş - Anadolu Agency]

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin [Celal Güneş/Anadolu Agency]

The US military is preparing as many options as possible ahead of a possible evacuation from the US Embassy in Sudan, but no decisions have been made, US Defence Secretary, Lloyd Austin, said on Friday, Reuters reports.

“We’ve deployed some forces into theatre to ensure that we provide as many options as possible if we are called on to do something. And we haven’t been called on to do anything yet,” Austin told a news conference at Ramstein Air Base in Germany. “No decision on anything has been made.”

Reuters reported on Thursday that the United States was sending a large number of additional troops to its base in Djibouti in case of an eventual evacuation from Sudan.

READ: African Union hosts ministerial meeting calling for week-long humanitarian cease-fire in Sudan for Eid al-Fitr

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