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Egypt inaugurates renovated Sayyida Nafisa Mosque in Cairo

10 months ago
Sayyida Nafisa Mosque in Old Cairo, Egypt []

Sayyida Nafisa Mosque in Old Cairo, Egypt []

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi re-opened the Sayyida Nafisa Mosque in Old Cairo on Tuesday, following the historic site’s renovation.

The project was part of several ongoing restoration works being carried out at the shrines of the Ahlulbayt — family members of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Al-Sisi is said to have toured and prayed at the mosque that also visited the mausoleum of Sayyida Nafisa, a great-great-granddaughter of the Prophet through the line of his grandson Imam Hassan.

“Work is underway to inaugurate development works at Al-Sayyida Zainab Mosque, within the framework of the state’s plan to develop Historic Cairo,” he was quoted as saying.

Also in attendance at the inauguration ceremony was Mufaddal Saifuddin, head of India’s Bohra community, a Shia Ismaili denomination who have contributed financially to the renovations and have a substantial history of doing so and elsewhere, including to the Ahlulbayt shrines in Iraq.

According to Arab News, Al-Sisi also awarded Saifuddin the Nile Sash, in recognition of his cultural, charitable and community work across Egypt.

Earlier this year, the Bohra community helped restore the Fatimid-era Al-Hakim Mosque, the fourth-oldest mosque in Egypt. Its inauguration in June was attended by Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi as part of his official visit to the country.

While the renovations at Sayyida Nafisa were officially welcomed, not everyone has been impressed with the works carried out. Architect and Islamic Art Historian, Omniya Abdel Barr, posted on Twitter her shock at the mausoleum’s new look. “The state allowed total alteration and disfiguration under the pretext of ‘restoration’ to one of the most cherished and venerated spots in Egypt,” she said.

“They have remodeled it. Nothing from the old design survived, which was made during the reign of Khedive Abbas Hilmi II. Even his name was removed!” she lamented.

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