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Haniyeh says West has lost its humanity with support for genocidal war

8 months ago
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - DECEMBER 2: Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh makes a speech during the 12th conference on Jerusalem entitled, "The Vanguards of Jerusalem hold its Sword," in Istanbul, Turkey on December 2, 2021. ( Ömer Ensar - Anadolu Agency )

Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh in Istanbul, Turkey on 2 December 2021 [Ömer Ensar/Anadolu Agency]

The head of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement has condemned Israel as a country of “criminals” who do not discriminate when it comes to the victims of its military offensives.

“They kill children, women and the elderly, and commit the most horrific massacres throughout the Gaza Strip. In doing so, they are writing a page of shame in their blood-stained history,” said Ismail Haniyeh in a media statement. “The titans of the resistance will pursue them, their strongholds will be destroyed, and there will be no security for them, no matter how long it takes, until our people and children have security, freedom and sovereignty over our blessed land.”

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Haniyeh called on the leaders of the Arab and Islamic countries and asked rhetorically how much blood and how many massacres they need before they become angry and take a stand against the occupation state. “The blood of children, women and the elderly of Gaza is being shed, and the West Bank is not far from being added to the list of martyrs.”

The hands of the West, he added, are stained with the blood of the innocent people of Palestine. “It claims to advocate human rights, but with its support for the [occupation state’s] genocidal war in Gaza, it has lost its humanity once and for all. It has built a wall between itself and the Arab and Islamic nations that will never fall.”

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