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Report: Israel committed 600 massacres against civilians in Gaza

October 24, 2023 at 10:05 am

People mourn at the morgue of Nasser Hospital, arrived to take the dead bodies of their relatives who lost their lives in Israeli airstrikes in Khan Yunis, Gaza on October 24, 2023 [Abed Zagout/Anadolu Agency]

Israeli occupation forces have committed 597 massacres against Palestinian families in the besieged Gaza Strip since the start of their aggression on 7 October, Quds Press reported the head of the Gaza government media office, Salama Marouf, saying.

In a statement issued yesterday, Marouf said Israel’s ongoing bombardment of the areas around hospitals, threats to strike hospitals and demands to evacuate the displaced from them is a dangerous escalation that indicates its intention to commit more war crimes against civilians, with the gravest crime being the targeting of the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, which led to killing 500 civilians.

He explained that the administrations of both private and government hospitals categorically refuse to evacuate them and insist on confronting the occupation’s threats, while adhering to performing their humanitarian and professional duty to aid the wounded and provide treatment to the sick.

Marouf called on international institutions to continue documenting Israel’s crimes and confronting its threats and pressuring it to stop its crimes against medical institutions and teams.

He added that Israel’s ongoing crimes are a clear violation of international humanitarian law, which absolutely prohibits the deliberate targeting of civilians under the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols.

He reiterated the necessity of bringing fuel into the Gaza Strip to ensure that hospitals continue operating and provide services to citizens.

Israel’s relentless and violent aggression of the besieged Gaza Strip have so far led to killing more than 5,000 Palestinians, the majority children and women. A further 15,000 people have been injured with thousands more missing under the rubble.

READ: Israel, 75 years of massacres, abuse and displacement