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Hamas reiterates rejection of normalisation meetings

9 months ago
Yahya Sinwar (C), Palestinian leader of Hamas in Gaza Strip, greets people during an event marking the 35th anniversary of the establishment of Hamas in Gaza City, Gaza on December 14, 2022. [Ali Jadallah - Anadolu Agency]

Yahya Sinwar (C), Palestinian leader of Hamas in Gaza Strip, greets people during an event marking the 35th anniversary of the establishment of Hamas in Gaza City, Gaza on December 14, 2022. [Ali Jadallah - Anadolu Agency]

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement has reiterated its “unwavering position of rejecting all forms of normalisation and contact with the Israeli occupation.” Hamas warned of “the damaging consequences of normalisation on the Palestinian people, their holy sites and their just cause.”

The movement slammed the latest visit by Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, a member of the most extreme right-wing Israeli occupation government, to Bahrain and the planned visit of the Speaker of Morocco’s House of Councillors to the Israeli apartheid state.

Hamas called on all Arab states that have normalised ties with the Israeli occupation “to backtrack on such a move.” It advised them to “support the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle against the occupation until they liberate and return to their homeland and establish their fully sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital.”

READ: PA delegation visits Saudi Arabia to discuss normalisation with Israel

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