Abdel Nasser Issa
Items by Abdel Nasser Issa
- June 14, 2019 Abdel Nasser Issa
Mossad’s war on BDS
Israel not only uses its highly-trained military and security forces against what it calls Palestinian or Islamist “terrorists”, but also against organisations and movements that everyone agrees are civilian and peaceful entities made up of people from various nationalities and backgrounds. Confirmation of this was revealed this week by Noa...
- May 22, 2019 Abdel Nasser Issa
Futility and extortion at the Manama conference
Despite the majority Palestinian national consensus that the Trump plan is a consecration of Israeli occupation policies in its right-wing nationalist-religious form, Trump’s tripartite party, made up of Kushner, Greenblatt and Friedman, along with some of his Gulf state leader friends, insist on inviting international and regional economic figures,...
- December 20, 2018 Abdel Nasser Issa
Will Netanyahu abandon Bin Salman?
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been one of the few prominent leaders in the world who have clearly and seriously defended Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman since he was first accused of killing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. He also ignored the position...
- November 27, 2018 Abdel Nasser Issa
Does 'creeping normalisation' save Netanyahu from his problems?
Given the increasing possibility of running for early elections, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made sure to achieve public and media achievements y means of revealing relations that had been secret with some Arab and Muslim countries. This is in light of the failures and challenges he is...
- October 25, 2018 Abdel Nasser Issa
Post-Khashoggi: Israel between Bin Salman’s retreat and Erdogan’s advance
The usually-talkative Israel when it comes to claims of democracy and human rights has been silent over what it fears to be the dangerous retreat, or even collapse, of one of the pillars of its camp in the region and its most important ally, who Trump described as “our...
- August 20, 2018 Abdel Nasser Issa
Threats against Al-Aqsa and Israel’s Judaisation policy
The Israeli occupation authorities expelled all of the Muslim worshippers and closed the doors of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem between the sunset prayer on 17 August and the dawn prayer the following day. This was under the pretext of searching for weapons after they had shot martyr Ahmed...
- June 25, 2018 Abdel Nasser Issa
What’s so urgent about Kushner and Netanyahu’s recent meetings?
There are number of questions raised by the recent visit made by Kushner and Greenblatt to the Middle East, in particular their repeated and prolonged meetings with Israeli officials. Israeli sources have said that the visits focused on putting the final touches on the American peace plan, known as the...
- January 16, 2018 Abdel Nasser Issa
Abu Mazen and the suspicious Arab role
In a speech before the Central Committee in Ramallah yesterday, Abu Mazen outlined his complete rejection of Donald Trump’s recent retorical and addressed the issue of national Palestinian reconciliation. He also talked about continuing the security coordination and cooperation with Israel under the pretext of continuing to fight terrorism....
- December 14, 2017 Abdel Nasser Issa
Abu Mazen’s face-off with Trump
Mahmoud Abbas is neither confused nor torn about choosing to continue down his old path, known as the peace process, despite all of the obstacles in the way, including Trump’s ill-fated declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of the Zionist state. The official Palestinian leadership announced that it is...
- November 23, 2017 Abdel Nasser Issa
The reconciliation is in the interest of Palestine’s national security
It is a well-known fact that the challenges faced by the Palestinian people require their national factions, who gathered in Cairo yesterday, to make progress in as many issues as possible. This is because the continued delay in making progress greatly harms the pillars and foundations of the Palestinian...