Afshan Khan
Afshan Khan is a candidate for a PhD in Political Science and International Relations at Istanbul’s Sabahattin Zaim University.
Items by Afshan Khan
- December 17, 2024 Afshan Khan
Land Jihad propaganda: Muslims' freedom curtailed in India
The Hindu nationalists have always dreamed of turning India into a “Hindu Nation”. In this dream, their biggest enemy is India’s largest minority, the Muslims. The most influential thinker of Hindu nationalist ideology, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, wrote in his book, “Hindutva: Who is a Hindu”: “India is the holy...
- February 7, 2024 Afshan Khan
Feminists are silent in the face of the suffering of Palestinian women
A few months back, I gave birth to a baby by an emergency Caesarean section. The mere thought of my body being cut in an operating theatre terrified me. During a C-section, seven separate layers of a woman’s abdomen are cut. Once the effects of the anaesthesia wore off,...
- January 4, 2024 Afshan Khan
The life of Mohammad Ali Jauhar reminds Muslims of the importance of Palestine
On 4 January 1931, the legendary freedom fighter, journalist, educationist and Islamic philosopher Mohammad Ali Jauhar (born 10 December 1878) passed away. He is known as one of the most dynamic and versatile leaders of the subcontinent and, indeed, the Muslim world. The story of his passing and burial...
- April 11, 2019 Afshan Khan
The Great March of Return protests signal the resurrection of Palestinian resistance
On 30 March every year, the Palestinians commemorate Land Day in memory of the killing of six protestors in 1976 after Israel had announced the seizure of Palestinian land in Galilee. This year, it also marked that first anniversary of the Great March of Return peaceful protests demanding the...