Joan Deas
Joan Deas is a PhD student in political science at Sciences Po Grenoble (France). Her research specialises on the diplomatic preferences and strategies of ‘rising powers’ (India, Brazil, South Africa) towards the Israeli-Palestinian ‘peace process’. Joan Deas is also a research associate at the Raoul-Dandurand Chair for Strategic and Diplomatic Studies at the University of Quebec At Montréal (UQAM, Canada), at the Canadian Research Institute on Humanitarian Crisis and Aid (UQAM) and at the Genesys Network at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium). She has previously worked for several local NGOs in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, notably as Research Officer for the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme in Gaza. She regularly coordinates educational and study tours in the region, designed to provide students, academics, journalists or elected representatives with first-hand information about the political, social, economic and humanitarian situation.
Items by Joan Deas
- October 16, 2019 Joan Deas
South Africa’s post-apartheid foreign policy on Israel-Palestine
South Africa’s foreign policy and diplomatic positions towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have been remarkably steady since the end of the apartheid regime and the election of Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) as President in 1994. Not only have Pretoria’s positions not been altered by the various changes of administrations and South...