Laura Malagón Sotero
Laura Malagón Sotero has a Bachelor’s degree in History (2019) from the University of Havana (UH). Sotero is studying for a Master’s degree in Contemporary History and International Relations (UH) and works at the Africa and Middle East Group of the Research Centre for International Policy (CIPI), Havana, Cuba.
She specialises in North African issues (the conflict in Libya), the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Turkey’s policy on Sub-Saharan Africa.
Items by Laura Malagón Sotero
- March 7, 2021 Laura Malagón Sotero
Turkey's Policy on Sub-Saharan Africa
Turkey and the African continent share cultural and historical ties dating back to the ninth and tenth centuries. However, during the last decade, bilateral and multilateral relations between them have intensified. In 2008, the African Union (AU) declared Turkey a strategic partner and the first Turkey-Africa Partnership Summit was held....