Mohammad Ayesh
Items by Mohammad Ayesh
- March 23, 2022 Mohammad Ayesh
Egypt needs an urgent rescue plan
All over the world, when interest rates go up, the exchange rate of the local currency rises against other currencies. This is a rule of thumb, but what happened in Egypt was the complete opposite; the exchange rate of the Egyptian pound collapsed quickly, and prices rose, adding to...
- September 29, 2021 Mohammad Ayesh
We must work for Palestine, but should not await the results
It is important for those working for Palestine, whether they are inside or outside Palestine, to remember that they are working for a major central cause, and that this means that progress is achieved slowly and is dependent on a cumulative struggle to which everyone contributes, and is not...
- April 28, 2021 Mohammad Ayesh
The Jerusalem uprising is an opportunity to end the Palestinian division
The current Palestinian uprising in Jerusalem is not a passing event, but rather a new stage in the history of the struggle against Israel’s military occupation. This stage must bring about a tangible change in the current Palestinian political scene. It makes no sense for Palestinians in the West...
- March 17, 2021 Mohammad Ayesh
A new faction is forming in Gaza, and the division is deepening
The sudden return to the Gaza Strip of a large number of defectors from the Fatah movement cannot be a coincidence in these circumstances and at this time. It is impossible to be the result of “societal reconciliation” as is rumoured, because such reconciliation took place years ago. This...
- March 10, 2021 Mohammad Ayesh
Do the Palestinians need ‘renewed legitimacy’?
Supporters of the Palestinian elections are repeatedly using the phrase “renewed legitimacy” and claiming it is essential, but the truth is that this is nothing more than additional confusion and deception. It has no other meaning than that the Palestinians, whether Fatah or Hamas, were caught in the Israeli...
- February 10, 2021 Mohammad Ayesh
Does Hamas have answers for the day after the elections?
There are several questions raised by the Hamas decision to participate in the Palestinian elections, and it is likely that the movement does not have the answers to them. The decision to participate was not even based on an agreed road map or joint national action plan. Instead, it...
- December 31, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
Have the Islamists failed in politics?
Islamic movements need a comprehensive internal review to assess their political experiences over the past years and decades. This assessment should not stop at a single incident, but instead expand to include all contemporary experiences in order to come up with the necessary recommendations to pave the way for...
- November 25, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
Reasons for Gulf normalisation with Israel
The meeting in Saudi Arabia between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is the most important and dangerous step so far along the path of Arab normalisation with the occupation state. Although it did not coincide with a public or an official agreement, or...
- November 18, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
The PA’s decision to restore security cooperation with Israel is incomprehensible
The Palestinian Authority’s decision to restore security coordination and all other relations with Israel was both sudden and incomprehensible. No reasons have been provided. The shameful aspect of this is that it comes at the same time as the Israeli decision to build a new settlement for people who...
- October 29, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
The humiliation of Arabs
The past few days have witnessed two major incidents of extreme cruelty and unprecedented humiliation launched against Arab regimes. These incidents are evidence of the lows that Arab nations have recently experienced. Yet the question remains, why are these regimes accepting the humiliation and blackmail? The first incident concerns the...
- October 16, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
Reconciliation really is the only option for the Palestinians
Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” was nothing new. The Israelis have proposed it in all but name since 2012, and the Palestinians have rejected it ever since. Israel and the Arab countries normalising their relations with it want to impose a leadership on the Palestinians that will be...
- October 7, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
Normalisation has failed to change Arab solidarity with Palestine
Arab solidarity with Palestine has not changed. Those who are normalising with the Israeli occupation are an isolated few who seek small gains and ignore the best interests of the people The Arab nation’s conscience cannot be changed by an artificial online army or poisonous and suspicious television programmes...
- September 29, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
Rest assured that Palestine remains in the heart of every free Arab
It is claimed that the Arab position towards Palestine has shifted and that they have turned towards normalisation of relations with Israel. We can rest assured, though, that the normalisers are the black sheep of the family, and Palestine still lives in the hearts of every free Arab. Indeed,...
- September 24, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
This is what the Palestinians need to do to confront Arab normalisation
The most dangerous thing about the new wave of Arab normalisation with the Israeli occupation is that the countries involved are trying to justify what they’re doing by demonising the Palestinians, opposing them and claiming that they are the aggressors who reject peace and coexistence. It is a stupid...
- September 3, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
The most dangerous aspect of the UAE’s normalisation deal affects Al-Aqsa Mosque
For the first time in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, an Arab country is at the forefront of establishing a change of status for occupied Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque. The UAE is the country in question. Its agreement with Israel, for the first time, limits the rights of...
- August 27, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
Normalisation with Israel is not inevitable
The claim that normalisation with Israel and the establishment of official and public relations between the Arab countries and Tel Aviv is inevitable is nonsense. Such claims are worthless politically, historically and even logically. It is like saying that corruption is an inevitable result of living in a city...
- August 19, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
Egypt's opposition TV channels are a rare phenomenon
During the past seven years, independent media outlets have been absent in Egypt. Lack of freedom of expression has overtaken everything, including social media networks. Only a few young media professionals who run a limited number of media outlets have succeeded in being different and working outside Egypt with...
- May 20, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
Failed policies are more dangerous than coronavirus
Failed policies pursued by certain Arab countries to face the spread of the coronavirus pandemic may lead to much bigger losses than those expected if the virus spreads. So far, these policies have neither succeeded in curbing the spread of the virus nor have they helped avoid side effects...
- May 7, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
A new normalisation campaign
There is a significant shift in the Arab world concerning relations with Israel. Jordan and Egypt previously signed peace agreements with Tel Aviv and established public and official relations with the occupying power. However, the current situation in the Arab region is unprecedented. In the past, no one was...
- April 22, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
What impact will the oil price crash have on the Arab world?
Oil prices have hit zero. Yes, oil was “sold” this week with producers only asking buyers to pay for transporting it to its final destination. This is the worst collapse in oil markets in history; it is unprecedented for oil to lose 94 per cent of its value in...
- April 8, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
Post Covid-19, disasters await us
Some Arab countries have taken exaggerated measures in order to confront the coronavirus pandemic. They may have resorted to intimidation and exaggeration deliberately in order to terrorise people and push them to accept whatever measures they take, and perhaps to achieve other political goals. This could, however, mean that...
- March 10, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
What does the plunge in oil prices mean for the Arab world?
Oil prices have plunged to levels not seen in years. They are the lowest since 2016, but a crash of this size and nature has not been seen in modern history. Such chaos in the oil markets has not actually been seen since Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990,...
- February 27, 2020 Mohammad Ayesh
Exploiting religion for political purposes has never been a good idea
Nothing is worse than having “scholars of the Pharaoh”, who employ religion in the service of politics in order to lend religious legitimacy to man-made political regimes. And there is nothing uglier than a scholar or a sheikh who issues religious opinions (“fatwas”) on a political basis, according to...
- December 3, 2019 Mohammad Ayesh
All bets are off on Jordan’s peace treaty with Israel
Jordanian army units have carried out military exercises during the past few days simulating the response to an Israeli invasion. They took place in the presence of King Abdullah II and the Prime Minister amid wide official interest, which suggests that the general mood in the Kingdom is to...