
Creating new perspectives since 2009


Oraib Al-Rantawi


Items by Oraib Al-Rantawi

  • The world still speaks the 'eloquent' lingo of America

    When Washington pronounced that “making progress in the peace process and the establishment of two states for two the peoples” is a paramount American interest, most of Europe and the world echoed the words, as if the world does not realize its own interests until the US national interests...

  • The 'Indirect negotiations'...a real solution or a merely search for an exit?

    We assume that the Obama administration is committed to the peace process and the “two states for two peoples” solution. We have no doubt on this proposition, particularly when it comes to the president’s personal intention, a Nobel Prize winner, a man who made “peace” and the “two-state solution”...

  • When "drones" circle Syria's skies

    Estimates of the number of fighters in the Islamist Al-Nusra Front are numerous and no one can be sure of the correct figure. Perhaps ten to twenty thousand fighters are spread across battalions and brigades in the rural areas of Aleppo and Idlib. They arrived recently from eastern parts...

  • So we don't shift from 'caretaker' to 'de facto' government

    Dr Salam Fayyad resigned after Palestinians had had enough of the blatant and bold international interventions in their internal affairs; and after attempts to impose a high commissioner on them reached boiling point. This became evident from the stances and statements of US Secretary of State, John Kerry. However,...

  • Gaza has a date with bullets and smoke

    Israel is, once again, beating the war drums against Gaza. This time it is on the grounds of the missiles from Sinai that hit Israel, which it claims came from Gaza (or rather its launchers). However, it knows with certainty that Hamas, or any other known Palestinian group, have...

  • Diplomacy on the firing lines

    In a comprehensive strategic sense, Jordan has a number of interests that need to be taken into account as Syria engages in an open civil-sectarian war; first of which is the unity of the Syrian state, society, and land. Otherwise, Jordan will not be isolated from the repercussions of...

  • Jordan's monarch on reform and violence

    King Abdullah has chosen to speak about two of the most important “domestic challenges” faced by Jordan today: the future of the political reform process and democratic transformation, and the disorder and chaos experienced in some of the Kingdom’s regions and universities. The king reminded us of positions he had...

  • Shamir 1991; Netanyahu 2013; history repeats itself

    Unlike the Palestinians, Netanyahu’s government does not depend on negotiations. The importance of the negotiations goes beyond tables and press conferences. It is more important for Israel to be praised in the process and to negotiate for negotiation’s sake, nothing more, nothing less. This issue does not concern Netanyahu...

  • What peace are they talking about?

    The construction of 1,200 housing units in the occupied West Bank does not threaten the peace process, although Israel finds it difficult to accept the “unfair accusations” that activities of the sort are “expansive” and “aggressive”. The “Arab idol” winner Mohammad Assaf sang about a “flying bird” and threatens...

  • Negotiations... What if?

    Most of the readings of and predictions for the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations anticipate that the two sides will reach a dead end. These predictions are largely based on pessimistic statements made by officials on both sides, as well as on the trends in Israeli public opinion. However, this pessimistic outlook...

  • Kerry's Jordanian approach

    Some sources have mentioned US Secretary of State John Kerry’s new approach to his peace-making task, noting that Jordan plays a vital role in solving the “complications” of the Jordan Valley. America and Israel have symbolic roles. I do not know if this formula was proposed officially by the...