
Creating new perspectives since 2009


Ramona Wadi

Ramona Wadi is an independent researcher, freelance journalist, book reviewer and blogger. Her writing covers a range of themes in relation to Palestine, Chile and Latin America.


Items by Ramona Wadi

  • The UN Charter and its condoning of imperialists aggression

    The almost incessantly-evoked juxtaposition of Israel and Iraq has forcefully returned to the helm of indignation following the massacres committed by the settler-colonial state during Operation Protective Edge. Posters circulating on social media ask why Iraq was invaded for less than what Israel has committed since its inception. The...

  • Israel's opposition to UNHRC investigations and complementary concessions

    Israel has, predictably, voiced opposition to the proposed United Nations Human Rights Council’s investigation into the atrocities committed in Gaza. Quoting Channel 2, the Times of Israel stated that 14 of the 22 ministers “believe Israel should not cooperate with the fact-finding mission, which is led by academic William...

  • Blog: Condoning Israel's premeditated massacre

    Just as we try to do in the United States and be as careful as possible in going after targets to avoid civilians, mistakes are made. We’ve made them. I don’t know a nation, no matter what its values are – and I think that democratic nations have demonstrably...

  • Castro’s comments on Israel’s “macabre genocide” of the Palestinians should be heeded

    Of all the comments penned about Israel’s atrocities inflicted on the people of Gaza, Fidel Castro’s reflection published in Granma, the newsletter of the Cuban Communist Party, is of utmost significance. Weaving an account of imperial violence as a force necessitating resistance, the legendary Castro’s discussion of Palestine and...

  • The UN is useless in preventing genocide and protecting the Palestinians

    Two Special Advisors to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Adama Dieng and Jennifer Welsh, have added their voices to the insignificant, lamentable chorus of concern. Speaking in relation to the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility to Protect respectively, Dieng and Welsh meticulously stressed the necessity of upholding...

  • 'Protective Edge' and the re-evaluation of humanitarian concerns

    Within a day following the commencement of Operation Protective Edge, Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a statement replete with rhetoric embraced by Israeli allies. The statement’s title, “Indiscriminate Palestinian rocket attacks”, is followed by a brief speculation in the form of an inconspicuous subtitle, about the possibility of considering...

  • The disgraced world and its insatiability for human tragedies

    The fragmentation of history and continuous international complicity remain Israel’s greatest assets. As the Israeli Defence Forces continue to spread ruthless, manipulative propaganda about Hamas utilizing civilians and premises as human shields and weapons storage facilities, the world is updated on reality with more horrific images of dismembered bodies...

  • Israel's false hopes on demilitarisation

    Former Army Commander and Defence Minister, MK Shaul Kofaz, has submitted a proposal advocating for the demilitarisation of Gaza. The paper, titled “The Demilitarisation of the Gaza Strip: The Proper Endpoint for Israel of Operation Protective Edge”, calls for Hamas’s acquiescence to Israel and the international community in return...

  • Resistance shows the way to reclaim historical liberation struggle

    Support for Palestinian armed resistance against the latest colonial massacre labelled by Israel as “Operation Protective Edge” has been endorsed internationally. This signifies a departure from decades of compromise in the form of the imperialist usurpation entitled the “two-state solution”. Protests against Israel have erupted worldwide, creating a pronounced...

  • Israeli ambassador calls for Nobel Peace Prize for IDF's 'restraint'

    A description of the Israeli Defence Forces as the “most humane and bravest army in the world” was not a joke; it was used last Sunday by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. However, its absurdity pales when compared with more recent rhetoric. On Tuesday, Israel’s Ambassador to the US, Ron...

  • Netanyahu's misplaced quest for legitimacy

    During a press conference in Tel Aviv, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ensured the continuation of twisted rhetoric by evoking the deaths of Israeli soldiers as an ultimate expression of misplaced patriotism. Speaking at the Kirya Military Headquarters, the massacres committed during the operation it has called “Protective Edge”...

  • Weapons to Israel and the upholding of false narratives

    The settler-colonial state’s imperialist allies have exhausted all perfunctory rhetoric of alleged concern in their futile attempt to ward off outrage at the obscene support for Israel’s ongoing massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. Ensuring no doubt remains regarding the maintenance of such depravity, Operation Protective Edge has also been...

  • The importance of specifying UNRWA's political role

    Following a recent perfunctory visit to Gaza, UNRWA Commissioner General Pierre Krähenbühl issued a statement detailing the horrific statistics of Israel’s atrocities in the enclave. Embellished with the usual “worry”, “urgency” and “alarm”, Krähenbühl evoked the fragmentation of Palestine within the so-called humanitarian language beloved of UN organisations. Statistics provided...

  • The UN's repetitive chronicle

    As the repercussions of “Operation Protective Edge” become evident; the displacement of civilians, damaged and demolished homes, injured Palestinians and death toll in Gaza escalate, the United Nations is exhausting itself to maintain the fabrications of an equal “conflict”. In a statement issued on July 11, UN High Commissioner...

  • Illusions of equality and accountability at the UN

    PA President Mahmoud Abbas’ answer to the rhetorical imploration for international protection of Palestinians against Israel’s latest extermination attempt of both people and resistance may be read in the misrepresentation uttered by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. In a brief statement published on the UN’s website, the term “unsustainable situation” as...

  • Patronising US and EU promote Israeli security as primary objective

    Moving swiftly from one euphemism to another, Israeli atrocities in Gaza under “Protective Edge” have predictably targeted civilian areas, resulting in further killing, rendering people homeless and causing injuries. According to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the onslaught, ostensibly to weaken Hamas, will increase steadily. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas...

  • Proposed legislation and the repercussions of PA security coordination

    The deaths of three teenage settlers provided Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a scenario through which the continuous escalation of violence against Palestinians can be manipulated as a necessary tactic. Last month, an unnamed senior IDF official quoted on Israel National News affirmed that Operation Brother’s Keeper, the...

  • Abbas' pleas diminish Palestinian suffering

    Swiftly implementing rhetoric inundated with revenge, the Israeli Air Force intensified its bombing of Gaza under the pretext of “making Hamas pay” for their alleged involvement in the deaths of the three settler teenagers – an accusation which Hamas has repeatedly denied. Meanwhile, Palestinian teenager Mohammed Abu Khader was...

  • Emphasis on Israeli primacy undermines the struggle against colonialism

    In an article published by Ma’an News Agency, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat has outlined his insistence upon the international community’s role in bringing about peace, departing from an endorsement of the two-state solution. The international community, according to Erekat, should decide whether peace should be achieved through an...

  • Incarcerating the force of liberation

    The announcement that the Palestinian hunger strikers have ended their peaceful protest following an agreement with the Israeli prison authorities has been hailed by local media as a success for the government. So far, the reasons behind the ending of the hunger strike have not been divulged, although speculation...

  • Ecuador's president expresses Zionist support

    During the UN International Meeting on the Question of Palestine held in Quito in March, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Ecuador, Leonardo Arízaga, described Palestine as a “permanent concern”. Not long afterwards, his President, Rafael Correa, managed to unravel all vestiges of support for the Palestinian cause. Besides meeting with...

  • UN provides a platform to manipulate Israeli violence into a legitimate necessity

    As the settler-colonial state intensified its outburst of violence under the guise of Operation Brother’s Keeper, the Palestinian leadership issued a statement urging the UN Security Council to address the ongoing collective punishment inflicted upon Palestinians in the West Bank. According to the Palestine news and information agency WAFA, Israeli...

  • Endorsing settler-colonialism at the UN

    Following the previous lobbying for Israel’s inclusion in the Western European and Others Group (WEOG), the settler colonial state’s alleged isolation has been rectified by the granting of another concession. On June 18, 2014 Mordehai Amihai was elected vice-chair of the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonisation, allowing Israel...

  • IDF’s online campaign as an expression of colonial violence

    The IDF’s Twitter campaign continues to reinforce speculation as truth. As the missing teenage settlers become a propaganda tool for invoking violence against Palestinians and retribution against Hamas, another offshoot of the campaign attempts a regurgitated effort to brand Palestinian resistance against settler-colonialism as terrorism. Commencing with a slideshow depicting...