
Creating new perspectives since 2009


Tawfiq Rabahi

Tawfiq Rabahi is an Algerian journalist.


Items by Tawfiq Rabahi

  • Why are the Palestinians not being asked who they want to govern in Gaza?

    When the Israeli war against the Palestinians in Gaza ends, as it no doubt will, questions will be asked about who will reconstruct the devastated territory, who will govern it, and how. At the moment there are no answers, not least because Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has no...

  • I fear for Gaza from Egypt

    It is no longer a secret that Israel, with its many and diverse arms around the world, is making a great effort to convince Egypt to “temporarily” accept refugees from Gaza. The idea predates the current war, but it has been resurrected. Every day, its range of consumption expands and...

  • Algeria, Morocco and the French trap

    It is easy to say that France has fallen into the trap of the chronic conflict between Algeria and Morocco by virtue of its historic and current relations with the two countries. However, it is wrong to say that France has succeeded in trapping Algeria and Morocco by keeping...

  • It’s time to bury Arab summits for good

    I believe that there is no further point in either hosting or even holding the Arab League’s summits. After being an “honour” for the host country and a source of diplomatic, political and even tourist marketing, the Arab summits have in recent years become a heavy and embarrassing burden...

  • Why does Algeria insist on hosting an Arab Summit that can bring no good?

    The late Muammar Gaddafi erred in many policies and positions, but he was very correct in his lack of faith in the Arab League. Despite his discontent with it and its accumulated flaws, and despite his repeated threats over the years to withdraw from it, Gaddafi did not have...

  • The end of America’s love affair with the Middle East

    I do not know whether the decline of Washington’s interest in the Arab world and its problems will be a curse or a blessing. Only time will tell, but it is a fact that we are looking at the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf moving down the...

  • Algeria-Morocco competition exposes the closed shop nature of influence within the AU 

    According to specialist news reports, Algeria has failed to nominate any candidates for key positions in the African Union. Seven positions are open to change, the most important of which is the Commissioner of the Peace and Security Department (PSD), which Algeria has held since 2008. It was held...

  • Who has whispered in Sisi’s ear to commit political suicide?

    Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi went to the border with Libya on Saturday to boost his army’s morale before sending them to fight against a foreign enemy. The visit was given a lot of media coverage. However, Sisi’s speech to the troops betrayed his nerves. He was a man concerned...

  • Does Israel really need Saudi Arabia?

    No two sane people would dispute that Saudi Arabia may have everything and anything except civil freedoms. Hence, it would be a grave mistake to think for one moment that the Saudi journalists and social media activists who are racing to insult the Palestinians and seek Israel’s friendship are...

  • The Algerian regime has simply reproduced the old idiocy

    A court in Algiers is due to issue its verdict on opposition political activist Karim Tabbou over charges apparently related to his political activity, which have been adapted to fit issues of national security and unity. The trial ended in the middle of last week, but the judge decided...

  • There is no reason to be optimistic about the election of the Algerian parliament Speaker

    It is funny to hear Arab and foreign television stations broadcast the news of the election of Suleiman Shanein MP as the new Speaker of the Algerian parliament. The news items usually end with the statement that, “It is worth noting that this is the first time an opposition...

  • A letter to Bouteflika: Why did you bring yourself to this?

    I barely knew anything about the world when President Houari Boumediene died. I realised the extent of this catastrophe when I saw my father holding his head between his hands, as we sat before the television and watched the funeral at the Alia Cemetery, which is only a few...

  • Saudi Arabia and the UAE: race of the reckless

    What happened to the former Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik in the UAE a few days ago is very similar to what happened to Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri in Saudi Arabia a few weeks ago. They were mysteriously detained, for unannounced reasons, and then released based on even...

  • Saudi-Israel normalisation, a gift to Iran

    Saudi Arabia is on the verge of establishing official and overt diplomatic, security, and economic relations with Israel. This is sooner than we expected. The ruling clique in Saudi Arabia, led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has made the decision. This group no longer cares about any of the...

  • The Algerian army and political drought

    There is apparently never-ending talk about Article 102 of the Algerian Constitution, which provides for the president to step down in the event that he is incapable of carrying out his duties. The article is explicit: “If the President of the Republic, because of serious and long-lasting illness, happens to...