Wadah Khanfar
Wadah Khanfar is a former director general of the al-Jazeera television network
Items by Wadah Khanfar
- June 14, 2017 Wadah Khanfar
The Gulf crisis and the Palestinian cause
We cannot examine the effects of the Gulf crisis and the subsequent boycott and blockade of Qatar on the Palestinian issue and components in isolation from the strategic context of the region. It has become clear that the region’s alliances were re-structured after the Arab Spring revolutions, as Qatar’s...
- April 27, 2016 Wadah Khanfar
The Middle East can break free of Western hegemony and internal ills
It is not a reform or a renewal of our mind that we need. It is in fact a migration – a hijra – from an old model to a new one 1994 Nelson Mandela declared a new era in South Africa. The rainbow nation was born, and South Africa...
- September 5, 2015 Wadah Khanfar
Defining a paradigm for cooperation between the peoples of both regions
Download the full transcript of the address by Wadah Khanfar at the MEMO international conference: Palestine & Latin America in the 21st century. This address was delivered on August 22nd 2015, in London. As Director General of Al Jazeera Media Network, Wadah transformed the organisation from a single channel into a...
- August 5, 2014 Wadah Khanfar
In the heart of the quake
The developments over the past month in Iraq, Palestine, Yemen and Libya take us to a new phase of radical change, just one of a series that our region has experienced over the past four years. This is in the context of a transformation process that is the deepest...
- January 27, 2014 Wadah Khanfar
Egyptians must not let their country descend into chaos
On Sunday, Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi will complete his first year in office. Instead of being an occasion to celebrate – he is the first elected president – many fear the anniversary will mark the beginning of the collapse of Egypt’s political system. The opposition has called for mass protests...
- January 27, 2014 Wadah Khanfar
Egypt must get back on the path of democratic change
The military coup in Egypt this month and the bloody attacks since, perpetrated by the military and police against supporters of constitutional legitimacy, will form an important turning point in the political history of the Middle East. Its impact will be felt beyond Egypt, marking a decisive moment between...
- January 25, 2014 Wadah Khanfar
Religion and politics in Syria
Many politicians and journalists are fearful of the future which can be facing the religious minorities in Syria following the revolution. Very often, these fears are expressed in the context of justifying the hesitancy of the US and the international community to arm the Free Syrian Army. It is...
- January 25, 2014 Wadah Khanfar
Key Strategic Trends for the Middle East in 2013
It is difficult for the observer to forecast the course of events in our region. The ongoing changes in the Arab region and the Middle East are many. The outcomes of the Arab Spring and the region’s strategic volatility have made it even more difficult to guess the future....
- January 24, 2014 Wadah Khanfar
Syrians want rid of President Assad, but without US bombs
There’s little trust in America’s motives, and an airstrike would not stop the brutal slaughter of civilians. Far better to help the rebels directly The Arab world has longed to get rid of the brutal regime of Bashar al-Assad for years. In their minds it represents absolute evil. Future generations...
- January 24, 2014 Wadah Khanfar
As the Middle East's power blocs fracture, so do hopes of stability
In the Middle East, long-established alliances are shifting dramatically. As one political leader in the region said to me recently: “The ground is shaking under our feet and we must keep all our options open.” Three major events over the past three months have destabilised the old order: a...