
Creating new perspectives since 2009


Zermina Ariana Toghey

Zermina Ariana Toghey is a London-based freelance writer who takes a particular interest in arts and culture in the Middle East.


Items by Zermina Ariana Toghey

  • Reconnecting Arts: ‘Contemporary Art from Qatar’

    When I think of Qatar or Qatari culture, my thoughts tend to sway towards the Gulf region as opposed to Qatar itself. I haven’t been able to distinguish the individuality of Qatari culture from the collective Gulf culture, which is why I was keen to visit Reconnecting Arts’ Contemporary...

  • When nobody returns: Life after war

    If you are looking to see an adaptation of one of greatest Greek epic poems known to man, Acklam Village Market’s Theatre Bay on Portobello Road is not an obvious choice of venue. At first glance the performance space looks like an industrial warehouse with its metal scaffolding, cold...