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Russia voices concern over Israeli plans to demolish Palestinian homes in Jerusalem

January 31, 2014 at 12:41 pm

The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed its concern over Israeli plans to demolish dozens of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem and expel the home owners from the city. The Ministry has called on Tel Aviv to reassess this policy and to refrain from taking such action.
The official spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Andrei Nesterenko, announced that Moscow had “received with great concern, information about the Israeli authorities’ intentions to demolish 22 Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem, despite that these intentions have not been officially confirmed, since Moscow recognises this as one of the most crucial issues within a final settlement agreement.”

The spokesman stressed that Russia called upon the parties “not to prejudge the outcome of negotiations pertaining to the problems of Jerusalem , borders, refugees and security, through issuing statements or taking particular practical steps.”
The Russian diplomat stressed that “a balanced agreement is very important today, particularly as the indirect Palestinian-Israeli negotiations are proceeding with great difficulty. This would pave the way to fully resume the peace process in the area.” He also highlighted the fact that this was an opportunity that “should not be missed.”