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Egypt puts Guardian on blacklist of "misled" media

February 5, 2014 at 2:11 am

The media advisor of the interim president of Egypt has revealed that the government has put Britain’s Guardian newspaper on the blacklist of “misled media”. Ahmed Maslamany claimed that the Guardian has “lost much of its credibility among Egyptian readers by turning hostile to June’s revolution [sic] and acting as a mouthpiece for the counter-revolution.”

Observers of the newspaper’s headlines are aware that it has “fallen into a well of hatred and incitement”, said Maslamany. He illustrated his point by mentioning, inter alia, headlines such as, “States that welcomed and supported Egypt’s coup have erred”; “October celebrations reinforce the division among the Egyptian people”; and “Coup declines”.

Maslamany insisted that the Guardian “has lost contact with reality” and “does not know anything about what is happening in Egypt”. He accused the well-respected newspaper of copy and paste journalism from pro-democracy websites. “Britain’s Guardian has joined the blacklist of misled media which is hostile to the Egyptians’ right to protect the revolution and its future,” he concluded.