Hamdeen Sabahi, Egypt’s former presidential candidate, revealed a disturbed sense of reality during an interview with Saudi newspaper Asharq Al Awsat today. Sabahi was quoted as saying: “I do not have any concerns against the military’s rule. The military has earned the people’s respect and appreciation.” Then he added, “As long as [the military rule] does not interfere in politics.”
Sabahi’s bizaare statement is reminiscent of former Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddafi’s assertion that democracy can only exist without representatives of the people.
However Sabahi further confuses himself by saying that, “my most important concern is that Egypt’s next president must be a civilian president who comes with free elections, and earns the satisfaction and consensus of all political forces.”
When asked if he would assume a ministerial post, Sabahi answered: “No, no. The ministry or any political posts do not concern me at all. I am more concerned to achieve freedom and justice for the Egyptians. The minister’s post requires speciality in economic aspects, and familiarity with special tools. I am always on the side of the people. I work to achieve their fair demands.”
This position completely contradicts a previous statement he made when asked if he would run for future presidential bids. His answer then was, “this is a bit premature. I have not yet taken a decision on this matter!”