Prominent writer and journalist Wael Qandil said on Saturday that Egypt is living through a period of time that could be called “the stage of eliminating the effects of January 25 revolution.”
He said that efforts have been made to replace the 25 January revolution with the military coup that begun on June 30 and that efforts have been exerted to “forcibly” inscribe the coup in the Egyptian memory as a revolution that eliminated everything that preceded it.
In an article by Qandil, published in Al-Shorouk newspaper, he writes that he expects to wake up one day to the news that ousted President Mohammed Morsi has committed suicide. He is considered the last remnant of the January 25 revolution.
Morsi is the first ever elected President in the history of Egypt. He was detained after he was accused of collaboration with the Palestinian Islamic Movement Hamas when he was in power.
Qandil affirmed that the political regime of the coup perpetrators reached the point of “absurdity” and that anything can be expected.
He added: “What is going on in Egypt and Tunis hints clearly to efforts to wipe out the Arab Spring according to what former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said in March.”
Qandil explains that Kissinger said the political conflict in Egypt is inevitably going to end in warfare between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian army.