Local Palestinian sources and eyewitnesses are reporting that a group of Jewish settlers, backed by the Israeli occupation army, intercepted on Tuesday morning the motorcade of the Palestinian Prime Minister in the West Bank, Rami Hamdallah, on the street adjacent to the village of Turmus Aya, which is located in the northern part of Ramallah.
Eyewitnesses explained that occupation army forces detained Hamdallah’s vehicle along the road between Nablus and Ramallah, ultimately requesting for him to pass through without the motorcade, when clashes broke out between the bodyguards of the prime minister and a group of Palestinian citizens on the one hand and a group of Jewish settlers who had gathered around the motorcade and prevented Hamdallah from passing by on the other.
The Director of the Palestinian Governmental Media Centre and spokesperson for the government in Ramallah, Ihab Bseiso, issued a press statement saying that a large group of Jewish settlers had detained the motorcade of Hamdallah under the protection of the occupation army.
Bsaisu described the occupation army’s assault on the prime minister’s motorcade as a green light for the settlers’ violations against the Palestinian people under the army’s protection, and urged “the international community to compel the Israeli side to stop its violations against the Palestinians and their property and to stop its support and sponsorship of the settlers’ escalating attacks.”
Source: Pls48