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Praise for Erdogan's criticism of French "genocide" in Algeria

February 17, 2014 at 11:15 pm

The head of the Algerian Society for Peace has praised Turkey’s prime minister for his criticism of what Recep Tayyip Erdogan called French “genocide” in Algeria. Mr Erdogan was reacting to a vote in the French parliament “recognising” the Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman Empire. He told the French president that if he has forgotten what his country did in Algeria, he should “ask his father; he has the full story”.

According to Abu Jarra Soltani of the Society for Peace, the French decision on Armenia was taken by just 50 members of the 550 seat parliament, “so it doesn’t carry any validity”. France is undergoing a period of electioneering “which will cost Sarkozy a lot when those who have suffered from the ravages of colonialism realise the importance of Erdogan’s speech”.

Turkey is an important country, stressed Soltani, and it’s weight in the international community will embarrass France. “Sarkozy will pay for his recklessness,” he said, “as France will have to acknowledge formally it’s crimes in Algeria, apologise and pay compensation.”

France should think twice about it’s own crimes before criticising others, he added.